
From Destiny 2 Minecraft Edition Wiki
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  • Advancements are optional objectives that can be completed as you play the game.
  • The advancements help provide a path of progression
  • Challenges are harder advancements. These have a spiky shape to them in the advancement screen
  • Goals are much harder advancements. These have a shield shape to them in the advancement screen


New Light:

  • Unlock source: Entering the tutorial
  • Completion Objective: Entering the tutorial

History Made Manifest:

  • Unlock source: Entering the tutorial
  • Completion Objective: Obtain a Common engram

Less dust, more rust:

  • Unlock source: Entering the tutorial
  • Completion Objective: Obtain an Uncommon engram

Quality equipment:

  • Unlock source: Obtain a Common engram
  • Completion Objective: Obtain a Rare engram

Quality equipment:

  • Unlock source: Obtain an Uncommon engram
  • Completion Objective: Obtain a Legendary engram

Quality equipment:

  • Unlock source: Obtain a Exotic engram
  • Completion Objective: Obtain a Exotic engram

Home away from home away from:

  • Unlock source: Arrive at The Farm
  • Completion Objective: Arrive at The Farm


  • Unlock source: Destroy an LCM Machine
  • Completion Objective: Destroy an LCM Machine


  • Unlock source: Arrive at The Farm
  • Completion Objective: Complete The Pit (of Heresy)

Cashing in:

  • Unlock source: Arrive at The Farm
  • Completion Objective: Earn 15 Legendary Shards

Fearing death:

  • Unlock source: Arrive at The Farm
  • Completion Objective: Restart a Hardmode run

First hit:

  • Unlock source: Arrive at The Farm
  • Completion Objective: Use the Slot machines

Average day on Earth:

  • Unlock source: Arrive at the EDZ
  • Completion Objective: Arrive at the EDZ

Nothing but scrap:

  • Unlock source: Arrive at the EDZ
  • Completion Objective: Defeat a Fallen Brig


  • Unlock source: Arrive at the EDZ
  • Completion Objective: Destroy a Cabal Goliath Tank

Deep Blue:

  • Unlock source: Arrive on Titan
  • Completion Objective: Arrive on Titan

Sword Logic:

  • Unlock source: Arrive on Titan
  • Completion Objective: Defeat a Darkblade

Anomalous Centaur:

  • Unlock source: Arrive at Nessus
  • Completion Objective: Arrive at Nessus

Metallic Madness:

  • Unlock source: Arrive at Nessus
  • Completion Objective: Destroy a Hydra

Holy Grounds:

  • Unlock source: Arrive at Io
  • Completion Objective: Arrive at Io

Taken Menace:

  • Unlock source: Arrive at Io
  • Completion Objective: Kill a Taken Ogre

War never changes:

  • Unlock source: Complete a Strike
  • Completion Objective: Complete a Strike

Machine God:

  • Unlock source: Complete The Devils Lair
  • Completion Objective: Complete The Devils Lair


  • Unlock source: Complete The Insight Terminus
  • Completion Objective: Complete The Insight Terminus

Operation Intrepid:

  • Unlock source: Complete The Pyramidion
  • Completion Objective: Complete The Pyramidion


  • Unlock source: Complete The Arms Dealer
  • Completion Objective: Complete The Arms Dealer

A squad of 9...:

  • Unlock source: Complete Savathuns Song
  • Completion Objective: Complete Savathuns Song


Eat the Rich:

  • Unlock source: Arrive at The Farm
  • Completion Objective:


  • Unlock source: Arrive at The Farm
  • Completion Objective: Use the slot machine 150 times


  • Unlock source: Arrive at the EDZ
  • Completion Objective: Destroy a Fleet Goliath Tank

Ascend into nothing:

  • Unlock source: Arrive on Titan
  • Completion Objective: Defeat an Ascendant Darkblade

Fire AND Lightning:

  • Unlock source: Defeat an Ascendant Darkblade
  • Completion Objective: Obtain Murmur

Blue menace:

  • Unlock source: Arrive at Nessus
  • Completion Objective: Defeat a Salvation Brig

Rust bucket:

  • Unlock source: Arrive at Nessus
  • Completion Objective: Destroy a Quantum Hydra

Spoils of War:

  • Unlock source: Complete a Strike
  • Completion Objective: Obtain a skeleton key


  • Unlock source: Complete a Strike
  • Completion Objective: Complete 30 Strikes


Winning big:

  • Unlock source: Arrive at The Farm
  • Completion Objective: Win an exotic at the slots


  • Unlock source: Arrive on Titan
  • Completion Objective: Slay a Subjugator

...Not even going to ask.:

  • Unlock source: Defeat the Unpleasent Gradient
  • Completion Objective: Defeat the Unpleasent Gradient


  • Unlock source: Complete Savathuns Song
  • Completion Objective: Obtain Bad Juju


  • Unlock source: Complete The Pyramidion
  • Completion Objective: Obtain Wishkeeper

The Wolves howl once more:

  • Unlock source: Obtain Gjallarhorn
  • Completion Objective: Obtain Gjallarhorn