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Each armour type contains exotic variants, which are given a unique name and which have additional abilities and/or effects. Armour also roll with rolls selected from a random set, specific to each weapon. Additionally, the defense can sometimes roll slightly higher.

Each Guardian has 4 armour slots to be able to wear a Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, & Boots on their person, with the potential to store and access up to 31 additional items.

All armour pieces add to the Guardians defense, with Chesplates and Leggings providing the most defense, & leggings and boots providing the least defense. Higher defense provides more resistance to damage.

Certain sets such as Vanguard armour have origin perks that are on all weapons of that set, as well as other rolled perks. Armour can also sometimes have health & speed bonuses specfic to that armour set.

Rarity of the armour is color coordinated into five tiers: Basic (white), Uncommon (green), Rare (blue) Legendary (purple), and Exotic (yellow). Basic and Uncommon weapons can be easily obtained, with Rare weapons sometimes available. Vanguard & Activity gear is at least Legendary rarity. You can rarely obtain legendary & exotic engrams in the wild, with increased chances from harder destinations and bosses.