Firebase Delphi

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Firebase Delphi (Crucible Map)

"It's empty for now - like a ghost town. But for how long...and why?" — Grimoire blurb

ARENA DESIGNATION: Firebase Delphi LOCATION: Mars, Valles Maineris, Eos Chasma

When the Cabal decide to hold an area, they dig in deep. It's surprising, then, that the tunnel system at Firebase Delphi is woefully incomplete by Sand Eater standards. One theory is that it was built simply to be inspected, to satisfy some commander's lack of progress on another front. Perhaps the Cabal simply cut their losses once they realized that the location of the base was sub-optimal, although half-measures are really not something they're known for. We're talking about a culture that will grind a mountain to dust rather than build around it.

Firebase Delphi (Fan-Lore)

"We won this place. Enjoy it. We don't win much." "We didn't win this place. They're running from something. And whatever they're running from, it isn't us." — Titan and Hunter

Firebase Delphi is a Cabal encampment that is carved into a Plateau and was used as a base of operations for the Sand Eaters, where they would dig a tunnel into the plateau and expand the base but was abandoned sometime after the Cabal's invasion of Mars after The Collapse for unknown reasons, sometime after when some Guardians were scouting out Cabal bases they found Firebase Delphi and decide to inform Lord Shaxx of the place which resulted in it being used for training Guardians in The Crucible.

Sometime during The Red War, Dominus Ghaul sent what was left of the Sand Eaters and Dust Giants back to Firebase Delphi and give them the order to keep expanding the tunnel system which was followed through to completion resulting in the tunnels being expanded much more then they were before the red war, but sometime after Dominus Ghaul was exiled, those that were stationed at Firebase Delphi start deserting their posts and running away from the base or going deeper into the tunnels and not responding back to the Red Legion which lead to the new Dominus known as Darth to label those of the Sand Eaters and Dust Giants as betrayers of the Cabal Empire and to be killed on sight. Because of those events, Firebase Delphi fell back into the hands of Guardians to use it as a training ground once more.

Firebase Delphi Reclaimed and Attacked


When the Firebase Delphi was reclaimed by guardians, three guardians would go there to scout it out and check the location out, these guardians were [Mazerunner]TiredArts, [Box rat]UnknownMemes, [2 star]Exo9908. But after a little bit of time exploring the inside of the base the guardians would face a battalion of Red Legion soldiers with Elite Goliath tank and two Bracus Weaponsmith's during the fight the Red Legion would be able to take the inside of the base for themselves and secure it for an Siege Dancer company causing the guardians to retreat and resupply, but in the meantime the Siege Dancers went inside the tunnels to make sure the way ahead is safe and clear of any Sand Eaters or Dust Giants for the main demolition unit to enter the tunnels.

Before the main demolition unit could go in The Red Legion left the base to regroup and get ready for the guardians to come back to fight them, when both groups came back to the base it was violent fight between the groups with the Cabal bring in tons of Scorpius to keep guardians out of the base and deploying a excavator to the location to distract the guardians from their main goal.

While the Guardians would call for backup from the house of light, which resulted in Brigs been sent that resulted in the Cabal force being crushed from the outside and being stuck in the base, but a group of Bracus Weaponsmith's noticed the fighting and came to support the Red Legion, which helped enough to get the main demolition unit to squeeze though the battle but sadly not enough for the Cabal forces at Firebase Delphi to beat back the guardians and Brigs which resulted in an whole battalion being killed (including the Weaponsmith's) but thankfully The Red Legion were able to keep their Operation a secret.

Cabal Operation discovered on


Sometime in the month after the Firebase Delphi attack a guardian known as lilravo received a transmission from Mars when coming back from patrolling Titan and Io, when they got back to the Farm lilravo went to a spot to rest but when they got to their spot they alongside their ghost named Toad worked on cracking the transmission to learn what it could be, after a while they cracked the transmission to learn it was Cabal in origin which resulted in lilravo pray into the transmission even more so than before, after awhile lilravo was able to crack the transmission and get the file in it, which resulted in the file being sent on vanguard channels to see if anyone could translate the cabal language but no one can till Toad helped lilravo translate it (roughly).

A couple of days later lilravo received three more transmissions that were corrupt pictures from within the tunnels of Firebase Delphi, lilravo went to the base to investigate it for anything strange but found a bottle with small traces of strand energy in it. (6-27-2024) A day later lilravo went to Jora Forge with his Ghost to extract anything useful from the Cabal terminals or anything about Firebase Delphi, got a transmission and updated the Cabal language. (6-28-2024) Since the start of the transmissions being sent from within the tunnels of Firebase Delphi, lilravo started working on a system and satellite that was named A.R.R.O.W.S. and was being set up before lilravo went on a forced break that was order by the Vanguard because of his hard working efforts. The satellite was launched the day lilravo went away but the system was in its Alpha stage of design so it was somewhat faulty but could at least make a report and detect anything on Mars.

The Great Disruption


On this day a massive anomaly was detected on Mars where the anomaly effected everything in Valles marineris but the effect was more intense in Eos Chasma where Firebase Delphi is located and was the area with the most intense reaction of the anomaly.

The anomaly was consisted, abnormal earthquakes, large surges of strand energies and absence of resonance energy which resulted in Pyramids flattering towards the surface, Scales falling out of the sky and smashing into the ground, LCM's and LFF being disconnected from Bel's network and reports from Cabal and Fallen saying that Dread units falling limp or outright falling to the ground like they were dead.

Another energy signature was detected within Mar's and it does not match up any in Vanguard records. But during all of this within the tunnels of Firebase Delphi it experienced an unknown phenomenon where the very tunnels were disappearing, reappearing and shifting, alongside unknown biological and structure signatures that don't match anything in Vanguard records at all.

Because of the anomaly the Red Legion mobilized a couple of ships and patrolled the whole region for a source of anomaly for 6 days straight. After the anomaly the A.R.R.O.W.S. system recovered 6 transmissions after the anomaly concluded, 2 from the demolition unit, 1 deeper within the tunnel system and 3 from the Cabal systems within the tunnels.