Hunter Class

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Hunters are a class of Guardian who uses stealth, hand cannons, sidearms and long-ranged weapons to kill their enemies. Hunters tend to be taciturn, mostly keeping to themselves and using lightweight throwing knives and smoke to disorient their enemies. Hunter Cloaks provide a sense of mystery and excellent camouflage when they are in the wild.

Through manipulation of the Traveler's energies, Hunters learned how to survive in the wild, assassinate their prey, and reclaim lost secrets of the Golden Age. They are daring scouts and stealthy killers, experts with knives and precision weapons. Hunters blaze their own trails and write their own laws. Though some fear them as being dangerous, their bravery has saved many lives and led to many discoveries dating back to the Golden Age.

Among the culture of Hunters, Hunters who become close friends are expected to take up the cloaks of their fallen comrades to finish business that they started. They may also paint a vermilion stripe upon their forehead. Most Hunters painted the stripe at some point in their lives

Hunters can crouch whilst midair to jump an additional time.

Known Hunters