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The Taken

The Taken are Darkness-corrupted entities originating from multiple species that have been warped into the Ascendant Plane and paracausally altered to serve their given purpose. The paracausal ability to Take derives from the Witness and its power to move worlds between realities, although they were the personal creation of Oryx as his army after creating the Tablets of Ruin. More recently, they have come under the sway of various Darkness-aligned entities in the wake of Oryx's defeat, including Savathûn, Quria, Xivu Arath, Riven, and Disciples of the Witness. The Drifter, a rogue Lightbearer known for experimenting with the Darkness, has also managed to achieve a level of control over the Taken using Motes of Dark, while the Nine can create their own counterfeit Taken out of dark matter.

The power to Take is derived from the Witness, and allows one to move objects or individuals between different planes of reality. The Witness can use this power on a massive scale, moving entire planets out of the "normal" universe and into a self-contained reality under its complete control. On several occasions, it has granted a more limited version of this power to several of its servants, most notably Oryx, the Taken King, who used it with great dexterity to create his own personal army of Taken from members of various species he and his Hive had defeated. Other users have relied on their position in the hierarchy of the Darkness to control and Take. Savathûn made use of Quria, a partially Taken Vex Mind which was gifted to her by her brother, and had learned how to simulate him. Xivu Arath relies on complex, lengthy rituals, sometimes using remnants of Oryx's power, to create new Taken, though most of hers are believed to come from the Witness directly. The Disciples have not been said to create new Taken, and use them more like garrisons for their fortresses.

The process of Taking involves summoning a portal or aperture that rips an individual out of the universe and transports them to the Ascendant Plane. There, the victim is spoken to by the collective will of the Witness, offering them a way to overcome their former weaknesses. The Taken being then returns to their original universe with new paracausal abilities and a compulsion to serve the one that Took them. Other, less immediate methods of Taking involve the use of Blights. Taking has also been used as a form of necromancy, resurrecting long dead creatures in service of the Darkness.

Taken versions of enemies have radically different behaviors from their standard counterparts, including new abilities designed to counter Guardian abilities. Groups of Taken can be allied with members of different species. The taken have appeared all over the Solar System as part of the Taken War. They also appear in force in the European Dead Zone, on Io, and in the Dreaming City. The Witness can deploy them in all the areas of the Sol System if the need arises.

Taken Enemies









